Support for children with additional needs
All children are supported to:
- Feel safe and welcome at Maples Nursery School
- Develop a sense of belonging
- Learn and develop at their own pace
- Reach their full potential
Early identification and assessment
Maples Nursery School has arrangements in place that include a clear approach to assessing SEN according to the SEND Code of Practice 0 - 25 years (2015). This is part of the setting's overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all children. In assessing progress of children in Maples nursery, teachers and practitioners use the non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), alongside the "Birth to Five Matters" framework. Practitioners work closely with parents and constantly observe and assess children's development, to determine the extent to which a young child is developing within expected levels for their age. The guidance mentioned above sets out what most children do at each stage of their learning and development. These include typical behaviours across tha seven areas of learning.
At Maples Nursery School and Children's Centre, alongside quality first teaching and a rich EYFS curriculum, we provide additional and different provision in order to support children with SEND. Our provision map is arranged in three "waves".
Wave 1 provision constitutes high quality inclusive teaching and is ordinarily differentiated and delivered by all class teachers and early years practitioners. Provision is regularly monitored and supported by the SENDCo.
Wave 2 and 3 provision is essentially small group and individualised interventions, focussed on children performing at levels just below age related/national expectations and/or children identified with SEND. The wave 2 and 3 provision will change depending upon the needs of the children.
All parents and carers are notified when a child receives SEN support.