Acting Headteacher’s Welcome
Hello parents and carers,
It was a pleasure to speak with many of you and your children today to mark the beginning of this brand new academic year.
My name is Nick Hassanali and I am currently the acting Headteacher here at Maples. I wish all a very warm welcome to our Nursery and Children’s Centre and look forward to getting to know all of the school community this term. I know every child will have an exciting and rewarding learning experience in this wonderful setting and in the care of our experienced and inspiring staff.
At Maples, children explore the seven areas of learning in the Early Years curriculum through play and interaction with adults and peers. Children are supported to build relationships with their new friends, to further develop interests from their home life and to learn new stories, songs and ways to be creative.
This Autumn term we are focusing on ourselves, families and school. How these themes transcend the wider nursery life can be seen in the curriculum section of our website. Equally, look out for regular class updates and newsletters which are uploaded periodically online.
If you require any further information regarding teaching and learning or indeed any aspects of your child’s development please feel free to speak with the class teacher, allocated key worker, SENDCo or myself.
Best wishes for a rich and joyful journey in Maples to you all!
Nick Hassanali