Head of Centre's welcome to Maples Nursery School and Children's Centre


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Maples Nursery School and Children’s Centre.

I am currently the interim Head of Centre here at Maples and look forward to getting to know you and your children during this academic year. Here at Maples we aim to ensure every child in our care gets the best start in life and have an exciting and rewarding learning experience in this wonderful setting.  

We take pride in our reputation as a warm, friendly and caring nursery school and children’s centre, with talented and inspiring staff where children thrive. Our close partnership with parents is central to helping families reach their full potential, fostering confidence, resourcefulness and happiness in every individual.

At Maples, children explore the seven areas of learning in the Early Years curriculum, Birth to Five, through play and interaction with adults and peers.  Children are supported to further develop interests from their home life, learn new skills for life and to prepare them for their next stage of education in school.

Explore our website for details on our nursery school and children’s centre’s aims, values and the services we provide. While we hope you find all the information you need online, please do not hesitate to reach out through an email or a phone call if you wish to learn more.

If your child attends the nursery school at Maples and you require further information regarding teaching and learning or indeed any aspects of your child’s development, please feel free to speak with the class teacher, nursery manager, allocated key worker, SENDCo or myself.


Best wishes,

Zhana Zand