Children's Uniform
At Maples Nursery School uniform is not necessary but, should you wish to dress your child in the colours of the nursery, the colour is green!
As we have a large natural garden that we explore daily and run Forest School activities weekly. Therefore we ask all parents to:
- Make sure your child comes to nursery wearing easy to manage clothing that your child can freely play and explore in.
- It will be easier for children to use the toilet or change themselves if they are wearing clothes that do not require buttons, belts or zips.
- Please bring at least one set of clean spare clothes for your child. These will remain at nursery unless they are used.
- We provide a variety of tactile and sensory activities, such as painting, mud kitchen, clay, etc. Please ensure your child is wearing clothes that are suitable for messy play.
- Your child has a named bag on their peg so that we do not mix up clothing. (Please do not bring and leave backpacks on the children’s coat pegs, the children find it very difficult to hang up their coats if the peg has a large bag on it.)
- Please ensure you regularly check your child’s bag ensuring there are enough spare clothes and they are weather appropriate.
- Please label your child’s clothes clearly with their full name, including hats, scarves and gloves.
- Please send your child dressed appropriately for the weather. Layers work well as the building can get quite warm during the day, sensible shoes for running, climbing (no open toe and hill sandals please) and a raincoat as children will be spending quite a lot of their time outdoors.
- Please also send a clearly labelled wellington boots in for your child, with their name written on the inside or bottom of the boots.
- In hot weather please put sun protection cream on your child before coming into nursery. For children attending full days, please bring a labelled sun lotion to stay at school that we can apply later in the day.